RayTracer Benchmark used raytracing for analysing Dalvik/ART VM performance in float calculation.
There are not native code or assembly (no NDK).
You can compare your results with some others Android devices (Motorola X 2014, Nexus 4, Nexus 7 LTE, HTC Desire, Desire HD, Sensation, Samsung Galaxy S, S2 S3, Asus TF101, Acer A500, Dell Streak 7, ZTE Blade S...)
Multi-threading have been added for device under Android 5.0 and upper.
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">光线跟踪基准测试中使用光线追踪分析的浮动计算的Dalvik / ART虚拟机的性能。
您可以与其他一些Android设备(摩托罗拉X 2014的Nexus 4,Nexus的LTE 7,HTC欲望,欲望HD,感觉,三星Galaxy S,S2 S3,华硕TF101,宏碁A500,戴尔Streak 7,中兴刀片我们比较的结果...)
Android的5.0和上部的多线程已经添加了设备。</div> <div class="show-more-end">